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SITE migration for a better look

As you might be familiar with how this site was run, it was probably a nightmare for those with proper IT skills and academics to see. I ran this site using GHOST CMS, which promised a very simplified and smooth operation even for selfhosted websites, but the more I tried to use it, the more it fight back. Literally changing your domain to another subdomain for maintenance purposes always ended me up with a broken install of the CMS and there are no way around that. Reinstalling is the only way that seemed to work.

Before I tried to use GHOST CMS, I actually have used WordPress for a long time, but the platform has grown so much of a bloat that I attempted to look for alternatives that deemed to be “good” by the community. GHOST CMS was said to be way lighter and smoother, which was a supposedly beneficial in my ill-advised boarding house level of website hosting. I took the supposedly “better” CMS for a spin and started playing with it. My first impression was indeed as correct as people had said. Especially animations, everything runs very smoothly and quickly wthout any delays. The basic features are mostly there, but for some reason, I started to feel that customizing the site would be a nightmare even though it was indeed “smoother”.

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